Ultimate Escorts in Sault Ste Marie


Active member
Dec 2, 2005
I will be in the Soo on Thursday. Does anyone have any info about Ultimate Escorts. I have reviewed the posts but there is not much there. Please post or PM me. I will let you all know my impressions after Thursday.


New member
Feb 25, 2006
If I had to pick which one is better between the two major agencies I would definately pick Ultimate Escort. Everytime there description of a girl was real close or dead on. Abracadabra to me flat out lies. The last girl I had from there was nice. But on the phone I was told about 115pds and she shows up at least 150pds maybe more. I don't mind it that much but don't flat out lie about it I guess. The 2 best experiances I had at the Soo were with Ultimate Escorts Service. Summer is an awesome girl if your looking for someone in there early 20's


Active member
Dec 2, 2005
My rendevous with Ultimate Escorts was a complete disappointment. I called and based on the description of the phone person, I arranged to see Star, she was described as 25 with large cups, she was to arrive in 40 min. The person they sent was not Star. The girl sent was older with small breasts. Turns out her name was Christina. There was no chemistry and thus nothing to write about in the biology department.

What gets me is that they could have phoned to say Star was not available and let me make another choice.

I did e-mail Ultimate to complain. They replied asking who it was that they sent. I replied. That the last contact about 2 weeks ago.
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New member
Nov 10, 2004
Sault Ste Marie


My experience with Ultimate has been inconsistent but they have delivered a couple of times.

The only agency in this City with real pics is Speciality. Not the greaest selection but what you see is what you get.