Not sure if this belongs here, but did a thread I commented on get deleted?


Active member
May 29, 2017
I remember making comments and browsing through a thread regarding face out escorts (if a SP posts face out pics themselves, I figured out it's fair game to post and discuss), but since I can't find it in the search bar and I can't find my own comments on it, did that particular page get deleted?


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
I remember making comments and browsing through a thread regarding face out escorts (if a SP posts face out pics themselves, I figured out it's fair game to post and discuss), but since I can't find it in the search bar and I can't find my own comments on it, did that particular page get deleted?

This happens all the time, people report a post or comment as inappropriate and mods or a particular site, including this one, make a judgement call often based on their own personal biases as well as the site rules and remove it. Welcome to the internet.