No black gentlemen adds

McKenna King

ShowBizz’s #1 Obsession since 2021!
Jul 24, 2024
In an industry that isnt regulated many girls wont see black men and openly say it (makes one think yeah?). There are many reasons and racism is the least of the reasons. dark men from middle east, asia and even columbia are often not on the list and accepted. some races like asians have a difficult time differentiating between the different darker races so they say no even to darker indian men that show up. There are plenty of good black men out there, just like any race, but to be quite fair, many thug like black men prey on girls who are alone and especially smaller girls to rob and abuse. there arent many black men as clients as a whole so to just say no to all is the safest option and not going to lose a lot of business. If some of you "black lives matter" patriots want to make a difference then go after the thugs, and stop trash talking the victims. some of you are so canuck its embarrasing.
That’s an interesting perspective based off industry stereotypes…

All the thugs on my BL have all been white, entitled and don’t want to screen.
It’s actually very interesting as well, when I do get booking requests from a BPOC client, they actually go above and beyond in my screening process because they know they’re facing the backlash of these stereotypes.

As mentioned earlier, I can completely understand a BPOC provider refusing to see a certain race/ethnic group that they belong to. Ottawa is an extremely small city especially for those who are part of these communities.

I have a completely different opinion on white providers refusing to see certain races/ethnic groups. Especially since white SPs have more privilege in this industry & they can usually do more screening. So if they’re screening each client (even if it’s light screening) they can determine just based by the individual if they want to see that person or not. There’s very little reason for them to be posting no AA or etc. in their ads, only ignorance, stereotypes and racism.


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
In an industry that isnt regulated many girls wont see black men and openly say it (makes one think yeah?). There are many reasons and racism is the least of the reasons. dark men from middle east, asia and even columbia are often not on the list and accepted. some races like asians have a difficult time differentiating between the different darker races so they say no even to darker indian men that show up. There are plenty of good black men out there, just like any race, but to be quite fair, many thug like black men prey on girls who are alone and especially smaller girls to rob and abuse. there arent many black men as clients as a whole so to just say no to all is the safest option and not going to lose a lot of business. If some of you "black lives matter" patriots want to make a difference then go after the thugs, and stop trash talking the victims. some of you are so canuck its embarrasing.
Here's the thing:
#1. Many SPs are asking for e-transfer deposits. That request is a line of protection as it reveals the persons identity before they even see you.
#2. Many independents perform screening measures, so you can verify the client well before you agree to anything.
#3. Most established women don't even say this. This is really only a LeoList thing.

So there are options to protect yourself without publicly saying "F* every black person out there". There's more to this.


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
I've never accepted a deposit request. never will. I'd rather not be screened and reveal my name as well. always pay cash and when the session is over iim gone, return if happy via a text.
But it's not about you. It's about the SP.

These are options and they provide a higher level of security that transcends race. The higher you go, the more screening is involved.

There is more to this.

McKenna King

ShowBizz’s #1 Obsession since 2021!
Jul 24, 2024
not a perspective.
Your opinion = Your perspective

Every time I hear an escort complain about a client it’s either a black or an indian.
The professionals don’t complain about bad clients with our current clients 😬 we put them on a BL and warn other providers. I can’t imagine a worse way to turn off my client base than complaining about all the bad dates I’ve had.
But I can guarantee you, bad clients come in all shapes, sizes and colours. And based on the demographics of the Ottawa clientele the majority are also going to be white.
So let’s give the stereotypes and thinly veiled racism a rest.

McKenna King

ShowBizz’s #1 Obsession since 2021!
Jul 24, 2024
theres actually a white guy in ottawa, wheres a cap and a covid mask to door, gets rough with girls then robs her for phone or money.. also a russin canadian born guy steals phones. then a bunch of black guys trolling the girls who are alone. indians have been getting problematic this year too. I'm in some massive wechat channels i get the scoop daily.
I think the only relevant point you’re making here is why it’s important all providers should do some level of screening.
Thank you for agreeing, bad clients can come from all races/ethnicities.

Shaquille Oatmeal

Well-known member
Jun 2, 2023
Hey everyone,
Just a little note here.
I have worked with some providers mentioning “no black gents” in their ads and since I find it odd , I asked why….
Well , the answer was quite simple and far away from racist.
They explained how black people have a sens of community and often meet eachother and it’s a very tight community so they often know eachother.
They write no black gents because they’re afraid to meet someone their family knows. It would be awkward to pic-nic with your client’s family on Sunday.
I thing sometimes , looking beyond the words and not jumping to a judgement or a conclusion could be beneficial. I thought it was racist , therefore I asked and they made me understand the reason behind the words.

I hope it brings some light to the concerns.

I dont buy this.
There are 100s of thousands of black people.
I doubt they all know each other.
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aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
ottawa not so bad for black guys but gta omg its rampant, girls get killed there. rare its not a black guy in gta...
there's a few, markham, scarborough..can search news but often news wont mention shes a working girl. I'll hear the real facts from girls most often. In canada they'll write up about working girls when one gets busted and is affiliated with others in the industry. or has an attractive client list on her phone with professionals like a few years ago west of toronto girl had teachers, police and some other political type clients.
You went from it's "rampant" to "a few, so I've heard" in one post. You're talking your ass. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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New member
Oct 20, 2024
Hey everyone,
Just a little note here.
I have worked with some providers mentioning “no black gents” in their ads and since I find it odd , I asked why….
Well , the answer was quite simple and far away from racist.
They explained how black people have a sens of community and often meet eachother and it’s a very tight community so they often know eachother.
They write no black gents because they’re afraid to meet someone their family knows. It would be awkward to pic-nic with your client’s family on Sunday.
I thing sometimes , looking beyond the words and not jumping to a judgement or a conclusion could be beneficial. I thought it was racist , therefore I asked and they made me understand the reason behind the words.

I hope it brings some light to the concerns.

Ok. I understand the black community thing. What white girls excuses.


Oct 4, 2024
Am a mix of Haitian Dominican and Cuban and I have no issues with this because am black and have been turned away at the door because of that and the add didn't say no black men. Ladies apologies and and says no disrespect it didn't bother me one bit am actually respectful of the ladies for stating that so I move to the next lady.

I personally like a certain body type and won't see anyone who doesn't fall in that body type category

Also I've never had good appointments with ladies from a specific origin so I'll never book with ladies from that origin

At the end of the day spend your dollars with who wants to see you, you'll have a much more enjoyable experience


Active member
Mar 7, 2014
I personally feel a degree of SYNERGY with the OP. YES we all retain BODILY AUTONOMY, so there’s no argument whether it’s your right to screen based on race, and there are some legitimate reasons for racial/community screening as others have stated. But it’s NOT all RAINBOWS & LOLLIPOPS, there are far more tagging “no blacks” in particular than can be explained with a cultural exemption and let’s be honest and say it like it is, SOME providers use racist screening BECAUSE THEY’RE RACIST. Which is yes, their personal right, but is still a MORAL FAILURE IMHO.

Why? Well, on the provider side we are mainly SELECTIVE of clients for things like SAFETY, HYGENE, RESPECTFUL behaviour and meeting our financial requirements. You guys are paying for a service and have completely different selection criteria for those you are specifically and especially attracted to. There are perhaps some SWs that also screen for overarching physical attributes but I think that’s more in the nice to have column and really our criteria is on the TOLERANCE side. Think about it guys, we don’t even ask for photos so we’re looking at other criteria than you are.

I also feel the more experienced we are, the more we really don’t need a specific physical deck to build a connection, we move past superficial stuff to connect with the person and care about superficial aspects less and less. This is called personal growth and MATURITY.

For myself I see ALL RACES and screen based on defensible qualities like attitude. I don’t care what race, age (if legal), gender, religion, body type, ability nor height. I might care if you have a monster cock since I’m smaller but that’s about it! And it turns out gentlemen, professors, physicians, lawyers and even bad clients and gangsters come in all shades! And for the record the biggest dicks I couldn’t fit were Greek & Irish; chew on that a bit amongst the stereotypes. And the roughest are usually the smallies trying to overcompensate with other agressive behaviour just FYI. I personally find black men in particular are MORE careful to be respectful and gentle due to unfair stereotypes and racism. My black clients are often so “making love in the afternoon” vibes! Ultimately I feel a natural kinship with a person through their humour, kindness, playfulness and smarts.

So I actually understand and respect why saying “no blacks” without another clear reason comes off as RACIST and why that’s a TURN-OFF. Without a specific reason, It flags someone as narrow-minded and judgmental at best who will likely not be accepting of other physical attributes they may not like. I too find racism a personal turn-off, just as I find immature attitudes about body types and aging so pussy-desiccating. It just strikes me as mean, dumb or both which are super-unattractive qualities. And even though I have to tolerate it sometimes as the provider, I prefer to change to subject and focus on someone’s better self 😘

Yes, when it comes to "pussy-dessicating", we certainly don't need any of that...😂
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NotTheCatThatYouLike :)
Jun 27, 2019
If most of the girls who says "no black men" in the ads are scummers, then, don't they actually help black men to avoid bad experience?


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
For all the 6 black males that live in Kingston, Ontario, The SPs in that region have put you on notice. :ROFLMAO:
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Kingston Gem
May 17, 2019
I personally feel a degree of SYNERGY with the OP. YES we all retain BODILY AUTONOMY, so there’s no argument whether it’s your right to screen based on race, and there are some legitimate reasons for racial/community screening as others have stated. But it’s NOT all RAINBOWS & LOLLIPOPS, there are far more tagging “no blacks” in particular than can be explained with a cultural exemption and let’s be honest and say it like it is, SOME providers use racist screening BECAUSE THEY’RE RACIST. Which is yes, their personal right, but is still a MORAL FAILURE IMHO.

Why? Well, on the provider side we are mainly SELECTIVE of clients for things like SAFETY, HYGENE, RESPECTFUL behaviour and meeting our financial requirements. You guys are paying for a service and have completely different selection criteria for those you are specifically and especially attracted to. There are perhaps some SWs that also screen for overarching physical attributes but I think that’s more in the nice to have column and really our criteria is on the TOLERANCE side. Think about it guys, we don’t even ask for photos so we’re looking at other criteria than you are.

I also feel the more experienced we are, the more we really don’t need a specific physical deck to build a connection, we move past superficial stuff to connect with the person and care about superficial aspects less and less. This is called personal growth and MATURITY.

For myself I see ALL RACES and screen based on defensible qualities like attitude. I don’t care what race, age (if legal), gender, religion, body type, ability nor height. I might care if you have a monster cock since I’m smaller but that’s about it! And it turns out gentlemen, professors, physicians, lawyers and even bad clients and gangsters come in all shades! And for the record the biggest dicks I couldn’t fit were Greek & Irish; chew on that a bit amongst the stereotypes. And the roughest are usually the smallies trying to overcompensate with other agressive behaviour just FYI. I personally find black men in particular are MORE careful to be respectful and gentle due to unfair stereotypes and racism. My black clients are often so “making love in the afternoon” vibes! Ultimately I feel a natural kinship with a person through their humour, kindness, playfulness and smarts.

So I actually understand and respect why saying “no blacks” without another clear reason comes off as RACIST and why that’s a TURN-OFF. Without a specific reason, It flags someone as narrow-minded and judgmental at best who will likely not be accepting of other physical attributes they may not like. I too find racism a personal turn-off, just as I find immature attitudes about body types and aging so pussy-desiccating. It just strikes me as mean, dumb or both which are super-unattractive qualities. And even though I have to tolerate it sometimes as the provider, I prefer to change to subject and focus on someone’s better self 😘

Yes! IMO you put it so perfectly.

Agree, agree, agree.