Which Quarterback holds the record for most seasons leading the NFL in completion percentage?
Brett Favre
Which Quarterback holds the record for most seasons leading the NFL in completion percentage?
Who was the first winner of the Super Bowl MVP to be on the losing team?
Who is the only POTUS to have never thrown a "First Pitch" at a MLB game?
What 2 winter Olympics sports actually made their debut at the Summer Olympics?
Chuck Howley..played for the Cowboys in the 1971.." Ugly Bowl"...winner was the Colts
believe it or not
Figure Skating and Hockey
Wasnt it Trump?
Who holds the record for the longest punt in NFL?, how long was the punt?
Who holds the record for the longest punt in CFL?, how long was the punt?
NFL ..
Steve O'neal...98 yards..must have been one helluva roll he got!!!LOL..thats the 1 yard line to the other 1 yard line!...where the fuck was the defense????
CFL... the Big 'Z' Zenon..how the fuck does he do a 108 yarder??? Again...where the FUCK was the Defense??
What MLB pitcher holds the single season record for most pick offs?
What MLB pitcher holds the single season record for most pick offs?
I wanna say Steve Carleton ...but thats career pick offs
Kenny Rogers is gotta be in there somewhere
Andy Pettite
Which Quarterback holds the record for most seasons leading the NFL in completion percentage?
What MLB pitcher holds the single season record for most pick offs?
Borje Salming was not known for fighting, but who was his first NHL fight against?
ANSWER: Dave Schultz, it was a draw. It was Salming's first game against the Flyers, he did not know Schultz's reputation. His teammates later told him that he just fought the toughest guy in the league
In tennis: What male holds the record for most career tournament wins?
What female holds the record for most career tournament wins?