New Sault Ste. Marie reviews


New member
Feb 25, 2006
Ok guys I went to the soo about a week ago, and I'm just now having some time to sit down and write some reviews.

I called up Redrose first and Jasmine came over. She looked exactly like she did her in pics. Everything was safe, but we didn't seem to click. She is still new to the business but eager to please. I was told she was 19 but I would peg her for more around late 20's. Not a repeat for me.

I then called up Ultimate and had a very bad experience. I have had amazing luck with them in the past but this time I was not happy. I asked for someone who is in there 20's somewhat experienced and a little bit more aggressive. Well I got a ealry 40's red head who was on drugs. I could not go through with it. I ended up with cbj for about 3min and a Hj to finish. I didn't care for attitude, looks, demeanor.

I think this might my last time hobbying in the Soo. I usually hobby when i'm in Chicago. Its a lot more expensive but I can pick a girl who has good reviews and quite frankly looks better.

I hope more guys keep the reviews going here because the soo is closer for me than Chicago but there seems to be no real talent there. I do wish some of the traveling dancers at Studio10 would escort. I seen some amazing girls there on this trip.