Nancy Mace is awesome!!


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

THERE are 435 Members of Congress. AND…Apparently the Democrats missed the big glaring neon sign that was their loss on November 5th. Americans are sick and tired of the They/Them Woke
. Democrats haven’t learned a thing
There is ONE Trans He/She in Congress. He thinks of himself as a woman…HE has a penis.
HE wants to use the Women spaces.
Hell NO!
So why do a hundred plus women have to made to be uncomfortable so ONE man can swing his dick in their facilities.
Jeffries called Republicans “bullies” for their stance…methinks that picking a fight with Republican Women in Congress to allow this mentally challenged man into their woman spaces is going to be a losing battle for Democrats.
Pick a broom closet and convert it into a washroom. Problem solved


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

HARD “UNFOLLOW” for this woman! Trying to berate Nancy for having the COURAGE to fight for Women’s rights! I’ll take Nancy Mace any day over this attention seeking chick.
is fighting for my daughter! My daughter in law! My grandchildren! My friends and family! Me! Please unfollow this chick! She should be using her energy on CRAZED LIBERALS pushing this TRANS SHIT!


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Rep. Nancy Mace puts her foot down on sharing a bathroom with Congressman McBride, a man who thinks he's a woman, inside the Capitol: "If being a feminist makes me an extremist, I'm totally here for it...I'm not going to stand for a man, someone with a penis, in the women's locker room, that's NOT okay!" Good for her.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

This is the REAL Timothy “Sarah” McBride. Can you blame
for not wanting to share a toilet with this man? This is a man. There is no equivocation about it. If for some reason he has female parts now, that is only because he dilates himself after getting bottom surgery. If you have to insert a device into your vaginal cavity to keep it from closing up, you’re not a woman.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

BREAKING: Congresswoman Nancy Mace just said after she wins the battle to stop Congressman McBride from using the women's bathroom, she'll file even more legislation to protect women nationwide. Mace is also receiving many death threats, "I will NOT be bullied into silence. I will not back down. And in fact, I'm going to double down on this, and I'm going to file even more legislation to protect women beyond the Capitol and across every state in the nation." If the Capitol bans men from women's bathrooms, it'll change the entire narrative across the country. If
wins this fight, she deserves a Presidential Medal of Freedom.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Why should
or any other female member of Congress/staff have to share their bathroom with a man pretending to be a woman? It’s NOT about the feelings of the man masquerading as a fake woman. It’s about not forcing actual women to have to worry that a man is in their bathroom where they are vulnerable (and which is supposed to be a safe, private, female-only space). Members should STAND UP FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS and not be cowed by empty claims of “bullying.”WOMEN are the ones being bullied into submission.