My ex (wife at the time) was fine with my getting RMT massages at a health club to which we both belonged. She knew they were totally legit.
She was not happy when a friend of hers saw me going into "Just Relax", a semi-legit spa, and "ratted" on me, as my wife (at the time) assumed I was at getting at least a bj there (which wasn't the case).
That despite our not having had sex for years...
What would you possibly have to gain by telling your wife about your extra-curricular adventures?
So falsely accused?
Yes, falsely accused at Just Relax, where I only received HJ's.
"Guilty" though at other spas and with escorts.
That said, I never had an extra-marital "affair" with a civilian and actual emotions involved, which in my self-justifying opinion would have been actual "cheating", as opposed to what I did...
He seems to still be into his wife in other ways which is good (I could be wrong). I think having a conversation about it is key and seeing where it leads too. Worst case nothing changes between you both sexually but at least you tried. And since you're only using MPs for a happy ending it seems than dealing with it with your own hand it helps relieve stuff that your own hand cannot do mentally & physically because it's another person's touch. And you did mention exploring more FS. As far as being quiet about it and not telling anyone that's a decision only you can make. Taking a break is fine if it's bothering you. Your wife could have hormones or stress issues that we don't know about like I stated previously. And not everyone wants to go on meds. Each women's body is different as they age and such. My ex wife wanted nothing sexually when she was pregnant where as for other women it can increase their sex drives or just putting out in other ways for their partners. I've always stayed loyal to the person I was dating or short term with.
My marriage lasted only about 5 years and sex decreased shortly after we had kids. She even today is in general a miserable person, too many negative thoughts, controlling and a lot more. If I was in your position with someone who besides sexually I enjoyed I wouldn't want to just up and leave or end it with them. Unfortunately, humans have desires and some can handle things easier than others. I go weeks and months without much sexually just fine not to say I wouldn't enjoy it often. But at the same time I wouldn't want to spend my entire life with a partner for the next several years and there's nothing happening sexually. A marriage counsellor in my situation did nothing because she wasn't open to admitting her mistakes and stuff and just lashed out after we'd leave a session. Very immature and stuff when I was the one trying to make things work out and putting effort. Overall people aren't that complicated and life is pretty simple in general terms. I can read people pretty quick based on my ways and if I was a marriage counsellor or something (keep in mind many professionals like that are divorced too at times) I can tell when something is already over. Not to side track your topic, but humans sometimes push certain red flags because things like infatuation comes into play. It happens to tons. I know why I did what I did at the time and have no regrets. I know I should have just dated her a year or two longer and wouldn't have bothered with a marriage or wanting kids from her but I wouldn't change it. Not too many men stick around for their kids especially at a young age. I've enjoyed it all and the peace that came with it than coming home from work and dealing with another "kid" so to say. If someone's coming home to someone who's generally positive and does other things for their partner and kids without complaining much you have it good. I have yet to be in another relationship (besides a few dates) and meet someone like that cause I've never experienced that. And plenty of women have dealt with grown "boys" because I've heard stories.
After having an open discussion with her about your sex life (you and her only; not what you've done on the side of course) and seeing where it leads then decide how you wanna handle things moving forward. Plenty of people in their 40s and 50s or so divorce and some do find something overall better afterwards than what they stuck around with. That's a decision you can make. And divorce isn't as scary as some make it out to be. Not sure how old your kids are and stuff because that will play a role along with income of course. As someone who's happily divorced I know if I had stayed much longer with mine just for the sake of it my mental health wouldn't be doing so well. Luckily her and I never got into drugs or things like alcohol issues but it was more so me coming home and just dealing with nothing but a miserable person who she wasn't during the first few years together prior to kids. And besides just the sex being the issue on hand you'll have to ask yourself what other things she does that you enjoy and dislike which may want you to actually leave her. And like I said if I was with someone for years and it was just the sex and/or cuddles lacking because I enjoy touch at times it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker. But to satisfy a desire that's not being fulfilled is something women do behind their SO back too. Sometimes people do have good partners and miss out on something and decide how they want to handle it. I personally start with an open and mature discussion first and if that doesn't change anything then take it from there.
And nothing wrong with seeking professional help from like a therapist or something. It might take a while finding a good one because some aren't good. But in the end it'll be you deciding what you want to do. Forums like this is a good way to help figure things out to. There's tons to read online about things like this and even watch videos on like YT just make sure it's hidden of course lol. Morals and religion tend to play a role. Some would say if you weren't seeing a MP, but were doing something online only (Such as OF) through cam without any emotions that's cheating too and others would disagree. Just my two cents. YMMV.