Alvin Bragg the Manhattan DA who is also prosecuting Donald Trump is essentially letting NY state prostitution law fall into desuetude. Now as a practical matter providers in NYC and Manhattan in particular are really expensive by Toronto standards and might continue that way even if explicit decriminalization takes place in NY State. It is also important to note that Bragg in his Day 1 memo essentially classified prostitution very similar to other old antiquated laws that have a longer history of non enforcement such as adultery and obscenity.
h) Prostitution, PL § 230.00. ECAB supervisory approval required to prosecute Patronizing a Person for Prostitution under PL § 230.04. This does not include any felonies, or coercive practices regularly performed by those who traffic in the sex trade or related crimes such as money laundering.
i) Outdated offenses such as Obscenity, PL Article 235, and Adultery, PL § 255.17
Now while a lot of MAGA type bitch and moan about Bragg he has a huge campaign war chest and no running has announced they are running against him and now would probably be the time one would have to announce a run. Now to also be honest I suspect the Ontario Crown Attorney's probably have some of non public internal guidance very similar to Bragg's. On the otherhand I think the fact that Bragg has been able to do this without much political blowback shows attitudes are changing fast in the US on this subject and Canada shouldn't be assumed to necessarily be more open minded any more.
**Yes I know that is possible with what is called ECAB supervisory approval to still prosecute for patronizing. I also happen to know and the data shows this as well that basically this never occurs. Basically there are NO arrests or desk appearance tickets anymore in Manhattan for patronizing.