Can white people be the victims of racism.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2013
Had a conversation recently and I am curious what others think.

Edit below.

I'm not naive however the person I was speaking with was adamant that white privilege excluded whites from being the victims of racism, this was just one of many of their perspectives.

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Well-known member
Yes.I witnessed it happening to my wife about 14 years ago. She was literally told she wasn't a "preferred customer" after being passed over for 4 others customers of the same ethnic descent. It was summer and she was wearing shorts and a T-shirt(Nothing scandalous). It was a bridge too far for these folks. Racism is not about an ethnic is a state of dominance and superiority in someone's mind.


Oct 24, 2018
No, white people are immune.

Imagine being part of such a pathetic ethnicity that you are susceptible to racism.



old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Problem is with most of us honkies is we think its just a joke and laugh...we just don't give a shit

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I remember the dial up days of the internet and AOL. It was a wild west sort of atmosphere. I remember a gay racist who called himself Niggerace, he was very subversive. You couldn't help but laugh at some of the ridiculous articles he posted, and then asking yourself "damn, why is that funny".

He must have been a caricature, using sarcasm to send everything up. He was eventually banned. He must have been an inspiration to Dave Chappelle.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Dave Chappelle had his breakthrough in Eddie Murphy's The Nutty Professor, which was around the time Niggerace started posting his opinions.

Sep 13, 2009
There are many reasons for racism. Sometimes it is a group is clannish and reject a person not of their own origins. When I was in school there was a guy that people treated badly because he was black. This made him angry and he projected the image that he was the big black dude and stay away because I will fuck you up. People that were prejudiced had even a bigger excuse not to like him. Recently I saw a oriental guy being verbally assaulted and was told that he should go back to where he was born because he was responsible for the plague of covid-19. The racist white guy was less than a foot away from the oriental guy telling him off. He was probably thinking that he looked smart and was speaking for all white people around him, but he was making a fool of himself. The oriental guy told him that he should be happy because he was born in Canada and that if he was afraid of covid-19 he should stay the 200 meters away like the government recommends. This got a laugh from a few people around. The oriental guy did not engage with the racist much more than that. After a few more slurs he just went away.
The perceived racism that white people get may be from unpleasant encounters with white racist is not out of closed mindedness. It may be out of the bad treatment white racist have heaped on ethnics and coloured people in the past.


Dec 27, 2011
The perceived racism that white people get is not out of closed mindedness most of the time. It may be out of the bad treatment white racist have heaped on ethnics and coloured people in the past..

All people have groups of assholes. We are tribal by nature. Watching Asians clutching pearls over racism is comical. If you think ‘whites’; stupid term attempting to link every Caucasian group with US slavery imo, are bad for racist behaviour... I suggest you travel to the ME, Asia or Africa.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
It's happening in China. Where Chinese people are denying service to foreign white people. They say white people brought the virus into China. And in the states American Chinese are facing racism. Sad it has come to this.

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
Its no secret that there is a lot of bigotry in the far east, I experienced it Japan years ago and when Ive dated Asian woman when I was a young man. I actually had one father who was very wealthy send a couple of goons to threaten me if I didn't stop seeing his daughter. One of the people I work with was told she couldn't enter an Asian market because she was white. I think it doesn't matter what race you are there will always be racism its a plague and far worse than any virus.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Remember when the immigrants who were looked down at by people after the war . They were white Europeans yet they were called DP'S by many white English , Irish and Scottish people . They were considered uneducated scum of the earth because they spoke a different language .

Even today many blacks are racists towards the blacks that are on the lighter side . Happens all the time . Even the Natives were racist against other tribes .

There will always be some form of racism . Doesn't really matter what colour you are . It could be what your religion is or what part of the country you came from
Even today many people down South hate the people who are from the North .They still call them Yankees .


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Of course any group can be subject to racism.

A related discussion is the impact that racism has on people's lives which generally comes down to the power the victims have in society compared to the people engaged in racist behaviour. In a country like Canada that majority white as are the rich and powerful, the impact of racism on me is pretty minimal. I may not get served as well in some stores or restaurants and would have more difficulty getting hired by a few minority owned businesses but there are plenty of other choices. If I was in China or somewhere else where the power people aren't white, then yes racism could have a significant impact on me.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I did my part and married a brown girl and we have mixed kids.

In a few hundred years everyone will be mixing and this race bullshit, religion and culture bullshit will be on the decline. Societies will evolve past this primitive tribalism which includes race, culture, religion and ideology which is aimed at taking away our identity, individualism and uniqueness to give birth to a false self and ego.

Our kids will look back at us and realize how dumb and tribalist most of us were. They will eventually wake up and have enough of being pawned and used by everyone including their parents and societies. There is no excuse with access to this almost unlimited source of information through the internet. They will be pissed at the damage we did as a collective to their environment, their psyche and especially their identity.

Right now just like Nikola Tesla predicted the world functions as a massive brain. It’s your choice if you want to be part of the problem or solution.

Do you want your kids to hate you when they grow up? No wonder so many parents get abandoned at retirement homes and kids can’t wait till they pass to inherit the inheritance and end their problems. Then people wonder why depression and broken marriages and suicides are constantly on the increase.

You can pretend all you want that you are the smartest generation however our kids will be smarter and wiser then we could ever imagine. They will realize things we cannot comprehend at the moment and if they decide to carry on your teaching and indoctrination will pay you back 100x worse for the identity, opportunity and potential we took from them due to our ignorance, and selfishness.

Things like racism is a branch to a whole deeper problem we all contribute based on some of the topics I cover above. Societies need to realize importance of consciousness regardless of place of birth, skin colour, identity etc. and deal the root and change at a deeper level.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

In a few hundred years everyone will be mixing and this race bullshit, religion and culture bullshit will be on the decline. Societies will evolve past this primitive tribalism which includes race, culture, religion and ideology which is aimed at taking away our identity, individualism and uniqueness to give birth to a false self and ego. ....

Very optimistic but I have a feeling we'll find other things to replace it. It's not like bullying doesn't exist in schools where everyone is from the same race, religion, social status ....

sp free

Well-known member
May 31, 2003
Be white.

Go to Japan, try to get into a BJ bar, or really any bar, come back and let us know.