I did my part and married a brown girl and we have mixed kids.
In a few hundred years everyone will be mixing and this race bullshit, religion and culture bullshit will be on the decline. Societies will evolve past this primitive tribalism which includes race, culture, religion and ideology which is aimed at taking away our identity, individualism and uniqueness to give birth to a false self and ego.
Our kids will look back at us and realize how dumb and tribalist most of us were. They will eventually wake up and have enough of being pawned and used by everyone including their parents and societies. There is no excuse with access to this almost unlimited source of information through the internet. They will be pissed at the damage we did as a collective to their environment, their psyche and especially their identity.
Right now just like Nikola Tesla predicted the world functions as a massive brain. It’s your choice if you want to be part of the problem or solution.
Do you want your kids to hate you when they grow up? No wonder so many parents get abandoned at retirement homes and kids can’t wait till they pass to inherit the inheritance and end their problems. Then people wonder why depression and broken marriages and suicides are constantly on the increase.
You can pretend all you want that you are the smartest generation however our kids will be smarter and wiser then we could ever imagine. They will realize things we cannot comprehend at the moment and if they decide to carry on your teaching and indoctrination will pay you back 100x worse for the identity, opportunity and potential we took from them due to our ignorance, and selfishness.
Things like racism is a branch to a whole deeper problem we all contribute based on some of the topics I cover above. Societies need to realize importance of consciousness regardless of place of birth, skin colour, identity etc. and deal the root and change at a deeper level.