Green Eggs and Ham.
One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue fish
In all seriousness, The Grapes of Wrath is next on my list. I'm pretty well-read so can't believe that I've never read it!
Green Eggs and Ham.
Green Eggs and Ham.
I'm making my way through it - bookmarked it three times. Please don't give away the ending !
Wow, some of you guys are way too cerebral for me. I like to read to relax and let my brain have a mini vacation.
If you're a fan of Lee Child (Jack Reacher series) and/or Robert B. Parker styles, you should check out a Canadian author, Ian Hamilton' Ava Lee series.
It's not necessary to read them in order, but it does help a bit to follow the characters' development.
Yes! I am currently reading the Princeling of Nanjing.
I feel like it's a movie or tv series just waiting to be made.
I'm rereading all of Kurt Vonnegut. Presently Deadeye Dick. Love him or hate him, the man was a genius.
I think im gonna go re-read SH5 after im done the book i just started on.. I, Cladius