Playing pen and paper online is like taking a shower in a raincoat.
I'm kinda old school that way. I did one game were half the players were not in the room. Erg.
I get that. But I have found there are advantages as well. Much easier to get people together as no travel time. It's pretty much 50+ years that play 1st, 2nd edition, with a few in their thirties. So getting them out of the house is tougher.
I discovered it during the pandemic and am still in games 4 years later. Map Making, dice rolling, using private messaging all work well. Tracking of various conditions (invisible, stunned whatever) is easy. Character sheets, shared documents for treasure, Information are better. Macros for attacks work well..
In the case of a TERB game Ithink the ability to be anonymous will be a huge factor in getting players.