So, don't know about the rest of the Brethren, but I for one am sick to death of the onlyfans ads and the deposit scams on Leolist. There are places for ads, they call it the advertising section. When you're looking for a lady posting in the escorts section, it makes me want to yell GTFO! when you come across something tasty and the only 'way to reach them' is through their site. It's bullshit. I will never EVER go to anyone's onlyfans page who advertises in this way strictly to increase traffic to their own junket. Now, providers, REAL PROVIDERS, who want to INCLUDE the option of onlyfans, very different. That's not what this is, this is blatant self-promotion. Secondly, the deposit scams. a phrase GET OUT!!!! Just go. There's already enough barriers btwn the god-sent angels we call providers and the Brethern. We don't need some shitbag from darkest Lahore, posing as a hottie so he can rip you off for 20 (it's JUST 20, that's not much bro! not much at all.... EAT SHIT, RAJ!).
That's my Friday rant. Tune in next week when I discuss the itch that doesn't seem to want to go away and how steel wool is your friend.
That's my Friday rant. Tune in next week when I discuss the itch that doesn't seem to want to go away and how steel wool is your friend.