I think a lot of the problem here in Durham, is not that the prices are too high.
It's the quality of service we get for said rate, which makes many want lower rates or saying that the rates are too high.
For me, I will say this I have no problem paying a respectable rate, or a rate said SP wants to set. That being said, if your service is abysmal yeah I am definitely going to say your rates are to high, as anyone should..
SP does stand for service provider after all, so if the service sucks, the rate that SP is charging is way to high.
I hope we can get some actual good SPs out here with some actual good quality service provided, and I bet there will be less "rates are too high" posts or comments.
Good service = good pay
Bad service = bad pay
It's that simple.
For example I have no problem going to a restaurant, and if I get shitty service, well guess what you are getting a shitty tip, if any at all, don't like it? Provide good service.
Same goes for a SP.
Hopefully we can see less posts like these with all this back and forth.
Also, side note, for new SPs you cant start at super high rates you are an unknown, and too high a rate is to risky.
Yes there are other reviews boards that may have reviews for SPs that aren't here on terb, but I am not referring to those ones I am referring to brand spanking new ones that are less then a month.
My 2 cents are done,

As always have fun and stay safe.