No black gentlemen adds

Jon Sith

Oct 28, 2022
Unless you’re in a service providers shoes you have no idea what it can be like for them. They have their reasons, many have told me what they are and I understand completely. Each person has the right to choose who they sleep with. I am not radish at all, and I’m not attracted to black chicks, so? It’s my choice. I don’t go see BBW as I am not attracted, again, my choice. Just because they provide this service doesn’t mean they owe any given race anything. Don’t quite understand how someone else’s personal preference would turn you off, it’s really none of your business. 90% of the women I see have “no black gents” I’ve never been ripped off by any of them. Your statement is nonsense. No different than saying “all black people steal” not all women who don’t want to have sex with a black dude are scammers. Give it a rest.

Yeah, I know we like to go down the dramatic route in the face of criticism, but let’s be honest here … if a SP has a bad experience with me, I’ll be blocked. Maybe doxed at worst. But I think we can all agree that there’s a 100% chance that we won’t see that same SP post an ad that says “no white, sorry” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


Active member
Mar 10, 2023
Yeah, I know we like to go down the dramatic route in the face of criticism, but let’s be honest here … if a SP has a bad experience with me, I’ll be blocked. Maybe doxed at worst. But I think we can all agree that there’s a 100% chance that we won’t see that same SP post an ad that says “no white, sorry” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Surprise, surprise the white privilege bullshit immediately follows. I would give a damn if a black SP listed “no white dudes” all good, I take no offence and really don’t care. I don’t know what planet your on, but the reality is it’s “immigration privilege” the majoroty of SP’s are white, you guys really need to drop this white privileged crutch because honestly it’s getting old and false. I get no privileges being white, at all. Family moved in beside me from Africa, supper nice people, very kind, the government gave them money, 5G to buy a car, they have 5 kids and neither of them work, baby bonus alone must be in the thousands, so don’t cry to me about white priveledge. Nonsense.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Yeah, I know we like to go down the dramatic route in the face of criticism, but let’s be honest here … if a SP has a bad experience with me, I’ll be blocked. Maybe doxed at worst. But I think we can all agree that there’s a 100% chance that we won’t see that same SP post an ad that says “no white, sorry” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

Saying no white dudes would be like a prostidude or a manwhore saying no old or ugly chicks. At that point you might as well give up.

I am sure you don't see any no black dudes ads in Wakanda. Or not too many. Demographics.

If you can avoid half your problems by avoiding 10% or less of your clients, that is a thing to do regardless of it's by demographics or "firing customers" that go full Karen.


Active member
Jan 29, 2024
I find it such a turn off when a ad says no black gents. I’m not black or anything or have anything against black people as my own daughter is mixed. But I just find it’s such a turn off when I see no black gents and I just skip over that person and don’t consider seeing them at all. Most of my bad experiences have been with woman whose ad says no black gents, any problem or scam that’s been pulled on me has been from those ads. Is anyone else like this as well?
I have noticed a few providers with the “no black gents” notice - and some with “no black under 35”. This doesn’t affect me but I have wondered why, especially when I see an ebony or mixed provider noting such a restriction - I am not judging as we all have preferences related to age, size. Ethnicity etc - and it goes both ways in that providers and customers have restrictions, but have often wondered

I have also noticed “no Indian” and “no middle eastern” on less frequent occasions - and even a couple ebony ladies noting “black men only”

I don’t believe the restricting no black men is the old stereotype of black men being “too big”, but they are definitely using some stereotype to limit certain clients AND I have even come close to asking an ebony lady who had such a post to explain why - but haven’t yet….. it’s really none of my business but would like to satisfy the curiosity

for me it’s more about body type and personality and enjoy all races…… but I am sure others have different experiences that they feel justify the restrictions and I don’t use that as a way to eliminate a provider as long as they are not hateful about it
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Active member
Mar 10, 2023
Some reasons I’ve heard, dick size, too much stamina, disrespectful, unfortunately the majority of thugs encountered in this industry are young black guys I’ve been told by numerous ladies. I don’t blame them one bit. Like crying on here to force a white chick to sleep with a black guy because what? Black privilege? It’s just suck hypocritical nonsense. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been called racial slurs by black people, I laugh in their face, It’s infentile and centuries old atrocities, none of us alive today took part in it, give it up.


Active member
Apr 25, 2024
This thread shouldn’t even be here in the first place. We already had a thread mentioning the same issue and it all turned into some racism brawl.
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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
This thread shouldn’t even be here in the first place. We already had a thread mentioning the same issue and it all turned into some racism brawl.
Agree. There have been countless threads on this issue in the past. The reasons (right or wrong) and the implications have been thoroughly discussed.
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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2018
Answering your original question, no I'm not like you in that regard; providers filtering out people by ethnicity are not a turn off. I'm not white (latino), and I try to mention it every time I contact them for information, just in case.
I'm curious of course as to why some have those restrictions, but I can only assume is a mixture of personal preferences and past negative experiences with people from those ethnic groups that have probably reinforced some unconscious bias, and it's just easier for them to avoid potential problems. There's even black providers with no black restrictions. Also, I've seen a couple of providers who have switched the "no black people" to "no young black people". Maybe young people are more rude or disrespectful? 🤷

I'm just happy that there're no assholes ruining the latino reputation that could affect my fun 😂. I've only been rejected once by a provider because of my origin, and that was because she was also latina, and didn't want to end up with someone she might know 😄


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2023
I don’t get why one should feel offended seeing SPs indicate a filter for the clients they seek. Just because it says no black or whatever, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are racist or bigots. As clients, a good majority of us likely also apply filters as to who we wish to seek out. I for instance don’t seek out black girls, but in no way am I racist. It’s simply personal preference. And regardless, even if it’s because the SP is indeed racist, why should that matter if she is not actively promoting hate or causing harm to anybody. If you don’t like their views or preferences, simply move on. Life is too short to get all bothered by something that doesn’t directly impact one’s life. SPs have no obligation to make themselves available to every person that has money and wants to stick a dick in them. Aside from those that explicitly state all ethnicities welcomed, one can assume an SP does have personal filters in place but just choose not to state them.


Active member
Nov 4, 2011
Whenever this thread comes up I end up writing the same thing. Most of the girls put that in there to keep away the worst of the worst. I'll often text the girl, tell her my age (Being over 40 helps) and that I'm not a pimp or anything like that and they tell me to come over.


May 29, 2024
90% of ladies I book are spinners I've spoken to a few spinners ladies I've seen and they say the reason for no black men is the size and the want to hard sex like a long time like if they book a HR appointment they can go hard pounding for like 40 minutes and they have other clients which I understand
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Jun 27, 2023
90% of ladies I book are spinners I've spoken to a few spinners ladies I've seen and they say the reason for no black men is the size and the want to hard sex like a long time like if they book a HR appointment they can go hard pounding for like 40 minutes and they have other clients which I understand

I wish I had that kind of stamina :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2016
I don’t get why one should feel offended seeing SPs indicate a filter for the clients they seek. Just because it says no black or whatever, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are racist or bigots. As clients, a good majority of us likely also apply filters as to who we wish to seek out. I for instance don’t seek out black girls, but in no way am I racist. It’s simply personal preference. And regardless, even if it’s because the SP is indeed racist, why should that matter if she is not actively promoting hate or causing harm to anybody. If you don’t like their views or preferences, simply move on. Life is too short to get all bothered by something that doesn’t directly impact one’s life. SPs have no obligation to make themselves available to every person that has money and wants to stick a dick in them. Aside from those that explicitly state all ethnicities welcomed, one can assume an SP does have personal filters in place but just choose not to state them.
Again. The same in reverse. Why does it matter to anyone if guys think that term in an ad is gross? It’s their preference, just like it’s yours to not see bbw women.

Not your money, why be bothered by it?


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2023
Again. The same in reverse. Why does it matter to anyone if guys think that term in an ad is gross? It’s their preference, just like it’s yours to not see bbw women.

Not your money, why be bothered by it?
I’m clearly not bothered by it. I was only expressing a thought.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2019
I find it such a turn off when a ad says no black gents. I’m not black or anything or have anything against black people as my own daughter is mixed. But I just find it’s such a turn off when I see no black gents and I just skip over that person and don’t consider seeing them at all. Most of my bad experiences have been with woman whose ad says no black gents, any problem or scam that’s been pulled on me has been from those ads. Is anyone else like this as well?
Good thing nobody cares about your feelings and to each their own with personal preference and choice.


Feb 13, 2023
lmaooooooooo eveeytime I see this topic come up the comment section its the exact same.
Starts with someone making their opinion about how it annoys/bothers them and someone else coming in and telling them to suck it up and how their feelings about the topic bother them.

“It’s their choice” or “they want to avoid the worst kind of people” vs “it disgusts me” or “auto turn off”

2 sides of the same triggered coin. Lmaooooo


New member
Aug 4, 2017
lmaooooooooo eveeytime I see this topic come up the comment section its the exact same.
Starts with someone making their opinion about how it annoys/bothers them and someone else coming in and telling them to suck it up and how their feelings about the topic bother them.

“It’s their choice” or “they want to avoid the worst kind of people” vs “it disgusts me” or “auto turn off”

2 sides of the same triggered coin. Lmaooooo
i know it's nuts im a black gent and idgaf about no black gents like... there are other women who say all ethnicities welcome. there have been times where i've seen a girl with no blacks in ad and it was fantastic and ive seen girls with everyone welcome and it was horrible. don't focus on it imo