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  • Men. Gross and disgusting men.
    When you come into a massage parlor or if you ever decide to visit an attendent no other than your wife, please do the following (if you want what's worth for your money) ....
    1) Brush your teeth. We don't appreciate your bad breath.
    2) Please clean the poop out of your assHOLE. Yes, take your finger and soap it up to clean your asshole.
    3.) Oh my gosh .... the shit on your peinis!!! If you haven't been circumcised, please, please clean the disgusting smigma that's been building on your cock! WTF!!! No wonder your wife don't want to go down on you? It smells like a dead person down there!!

    It's so silly. Maybe we are expecting too much. Please help our experience with you be more appetizing tthan hmmmmm ............... say, eating shit on an icecream cone????

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