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  • M
    I was deleting messages one by one and every time I hit "delete message" it actually SENT message ... and of course it was blank. So I think I filled your inbox with junk mail :D
    sooooorry about that LoL

    Oh I was shocked to see your visitor msg. So it is not just me :)

    I am just saying my bye bye to people who sent me PMs
    never told you to fuck off, your reading comprehension is very lacking. you stand by your attitude of dish out what you want back, well you are shitting on everyone and crying when you get it back. you have also not told the truth on any level, all you have done is tell us how shitty we all are and how amazing you are. you're dopey. nice of you to go on the record and let it be known that every woman in the industry talks shit on every customer they have, i am sure the girls will appreciate you doing that for them and the decline in their business you just caused.
    Simon. I don't know you and you don't know me..and NO you don't have the right to talk about me me if you decided to in such a nasty way. You really don't get it do you. It is ok for men to be mean and talk about the women that were nice enough to them to offer their bodies to get them out of their horny state. If you were so respectful you would not have to me to fuck off, right. I wan't taking about you. Anyway I still stand by my attitude do unto others and expect it back. I am a very fiesty women that as you have noticed will tell the truth. Did you really think that the women didn't talk about the men they see? A women would have to be a nymphmaniac to appreciate getting laid several times a day by different men that she is not even interested in except for the money.. That is the truth. So once again to the boys that want to dish out disrespect grow up and be men enough to take it back.
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