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  • Just making sure we're on for tomorrow. Text meeeee! :hippie: There is absolutely NO reason to use that emoticon.. I just felt this urge to. Peace..
    I would love to, but I'm away Monday- Thursday of next week. Next weekend?? I have soo much to tell you.
    I was going to write something witty on your wall but I'm drawing a blank this morning. haha Let me know what your week is looking like.. I may have the answer to our tanning issues.
    In some cultures, it stands for good luck. I am not a part of those cultures. I would FOR SURE put a scat charge on there!! hahaha It's happened to me before- you can imagine my disgust. Pigeons and seagulls are flying spawn of Satan.
    Now that I can go in the sun again and the hot weather is really upon us, I say we do our pool and sangria day. Let me know what your schedule is like and we'll git'er done.
    I was just going to write the same thing!! haha "Okay, so I'll see you at (enter pool here) at (enter time here) on (enter day here)!"

    And yes, I'm sure between tapas, h2o and sangria, we'll be a-ok as well. :) It's not like we're amateurs. haha
    Shoot- that's right! Wednesday it is. I have it written down too- I think my mind was still infused with Pinot Grigio. haha

    I'm up for pool side too, though that slope downhill is usually slipperier (is that a word?) for me!
    Let me know about next week, when works for you.. Sangria for us! Someone (ahem... me) had too much wine last night, so the thought of sangria doesn't make me feel well. haha That will wear off though! It always does!
    BAHAHAHAHA!!! I just spit peppermint tea out. hahaha My left foot is a half size bigger than my right so I have to go to half size bigger or my left foot is maimed within 15 mins of leaving my house. One of my girlfriends got me a pair of emergency ballet flats that fold up and come in this cute gold colored clutch. Those babies have saved my life on more than one occasion! haha Damn you, left foot!
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