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  • Hey,

    Sorry to hear about the no show, I know she is ahrd to book and less than reliable with her availability but definitley worth it when you see her. Oh yeah I was stood up big time by Angie at Divas and I posted a thread in the incalls about it, she was drugged out and in her room but would not come to the door after 5 minutes of knocking. The agency was pretty shitty too the way they handled it. This stuff happens when your dealing with chicks some who have sewrious issues they are hiding, and we still go for them because they are hot and good lays. Let me know how things pan out with Leslie,

    funny you say that about lexx... i figured she had a F/T job as I think she mentions she only sees clients on Fridays - weekends?
    True? also she is incall right?
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