M M Macator2003 Oct 31, 2009 "Making the world a better place, one orgasm at a time". I love this phrase, love it, love it, love it..... Be my friend Gen (hey, I'm a friggen poet)
"Making the world a better place, one orgasm at a time". I love this phrase, love it, love it, love it..... Be my friend Gen (hey, I'm a friggen poet)
F F funnyuk1 Oct 11, 2009 your web page doesn't seem to be working - oops never mind saw your last post.
L L LurkingInMyTent Oct 4, 2009 Congratulations on your announcement & move to independent status... I've enjoyed your posts here & hope to see you some day.
Congratulations on your announcement & move to independent status... I've enjoyed your posts here & hope to see you some day.
Kyra.Graves Sep 27, 2009 'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.com Kyra Graves: You will go to jail for... Making lewd ginger bread men and giving them to carolers at Christmas. Find more Terbook Quizzes at QuizUniverse.com
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.com Kyra Graves: You will go to jail for... Making lewd ginger bread men and giving them to carolers at Christmas. Find more Terbook Quizzes at QuizUniverse.com
Kyra.Graves Sep 27, 2009 Just so you didn't have only guys as friends - afterall everyone needs a little balance in life! =^.^=
Just so you didn't have only guys as friends - afterall everyone needs a little balance in life! =^.^=
C C Cycleguy007 Sep 27, 2009 Hee hee... thanks for bein my friend Gen! Did I just steal your VM virginity!