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  • M
    Please delete my account. Thanks!
    Hello Sir
    Thanks for the reminder.
    Today I will buy a money order and send it.
    I wish you good health.
    Elizabeth at WDS
    Everytime I click on an Asian Sexy Babe banner I get an attack warning from my computer security software. This cannot be good for their business. You might ask them to have somebody look at this.
    Hello, could you please delete my account from terb?
    Would it be possible for you to delete my profile from Terb? I tried PMing you but your inbox is full
    Can someone remove the Cassandra in Whit by thread from Toronto in calls? This guy knows me personally and stupidly used my REAL name and now I can't get a hold of him. Thanks
    Hello Fred, I have chosen not to continue advertising on terb. Was wondering if my ads and the thread about me could be removed as well as my account deleted. Thanks,
    Hi , I already paid for my account but I still couldn't post update on the board. COuld you help to check it.
    I'm trying to send you a message but it says i've reached my quota. I have more questions. Thanks coxoxo
    Thanks so much for everything Fred!

    Your the most helpful website host/mod/owner I've ever encountered.
    I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for everything you've helped me with over the past year, including the brilliant idea of creating this forum/review board that has been a great help to building/keeping my good reputation.
    You are very much appreciated by Jayda if not by all the SP's, OP's, and Agencies that come on here =D


    Jayda K
    I cant seem to find where I can change my profile name, so Id like to delete my profile and then possibly re-join
    hey Fred.. is there a way to block visitor messages from anyone but "friends" and "admin" ?
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