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  • hey man, how would you compare Avah and Lexi? I'm a Avah regular and am interested in Lexi too.
    Lexi is wilder without a doubt. However if you only like spinners, Lexi might be a bit bigger than you like. By no means is she a bbw, not even a small bbq but not tight and fit.

    Service-wise she’s amazing. Not that Avah is lacking in any way in the service side. Lexi is just more liberal.

    Hope that helps. Let me know if you want more info, but I do tend to stick to forum rules even in PM.
    Ya I have a good time with Avah but I hear Lexi is pretty wild. I like a little meat typically. Read somewhere Lexi is kind of like Sasha at pure. FS was good with her. Overall the girl needs to have an open and good attitude. Gonna try and line up when Lexi works. Can read all the reviews and ask questions but nothing beats first hand experience.
    Yeah very true. If you like a little meat, Lexi is perfect for you. And definitely the most liberal mp I have seen at the chain. But I haven’t seen them all. Lol
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